
SAH Plugin

If you only want to create aliases in your current serverless project just install the plugin and make a few small configurations.


  • Serverless Framework 3|4

NPM installation

npm install -D sah-plugin

Add the plugin to serverless.yml:

  - sah-plugin


Inside your Serverless config, include this plugin and define a custom.sah object and specify the activeAliasName

  - sah-plugin

    activeAliasName: 'ACTIVE'  # Default: 'ACTIVE'
    useActiveAliasInEvents: true   # Default: false. Whether to change API Gateway to target the active alias or not
    makeLambdasActive: true  # Default: false. Whether to apply the active alias to the lambdas that are being deployed now. Could vary per environment.
    sahUrl: 'http://{app_url}/api/projects/{project_id}/deployments' # Default: null. It is not mandatory but you can use it if you wish to synchronize your displays with your SAH application.
    sahToken: '1|fZH1G7lyRZZKcK4AD8PaaQlXlTeeM7bc2XdjOsqBeecfb75f' # Default: null. It is not mandatory but you can use it if you wish to synchronize your displays with your SAH application.


With SAH App you can easily manage your projects, aliases and deployments.


  • php >=8.1

Composer installation

You must have Composeropen in new window installed on your computer; To create your first Phenix project, you can run Composer's create-project command.

composer create-project fshll/sah

After the project has been created, run migrations for create database running command:

php artisan migrate

Install node dependencies and build assets

npm install && npm run build

Start server

php artisan serve

SAH execute some background process for that cases you need run the worker with the command

php artisan queue:work

For more details visit Running the Queue Workeropen in new window

Last Updated:
Contributors: Freder Steven Hernandez Llaten, SteffanyRoj